Episode 45: Making the Best of Where You Are

#WorkMomSays that transforming seemingly temporary roles into fulfilling careers requires adaptability and a proactive approach. In this episode, Lori Jo Vest chats with Kyle Elsasser, who shares his journey from taking a bridge job out of necessity to creating a thriving career path.

Episode 43: The Quality of Your Work Determines Your Career Success

#WorkMomSays that the quality of your work – both who you are at work and your work product – determines your success. In this episode, learn just how important the quality of your presentation and relationships as well as your work output are when building a solid career.

Episode 41: The Power of Personal & Professional Growth for Career Success

Trying to level up your personal and professional lives? Try putting an emphasis on growth in both areas, and you’ll grow your career success, too. In this episode, Lori Jo Vest shares ways you can become a lifelong learner and feed your mind with great information that will help you live a life you love.

Episode 40: Finding The Right Career Path

Are you struggling to determine your career path? Career Dad and Work Mom are here to help! Career Dad Kerry Doyle joins us to talk about his work helping young people find their passion and career BEFORE dropping thousands of dollars on college OR if you just don’t feel like college is right for you.

From networking to prioritizing your passions to the many ways to get to know an industry before you enter it, we cover a ton of ground.