Work Mom wrote a book! My latest book “Work Mom Says: Don’t Be An Idiot! 38 Lessons You Don’t Want to Learn the Hard Way” comes out April 1st. To celebrate its upcoming launch, I’m giving you a sneak peek into a few of those lessons.

I share 3 never-before-seen chapters from my new book, so you can get a glimpse of all the advice I share in those 38 lessons.

Themes discussed in this episode

  • Stop listening to that mean voice in your head
  • Reframe what you see and you’ll see things differently
  • You don’t actually know sh*t

Episode Highlights

Timestamped inflection points from the show

3:15 – Ignore the mean voice in your head: Don’t let the mean self-talk stop you from reaching your full potential.

5:00 – Reframe what you see: We all look at the world through glasses that color our understanding and our expectation of what happens. Luckily, we can reframe what we think by choosing different lenses.

6:00 – You don’t know sh*t: You may feel the need to prove yourself in your first job by constantly sharing what you think you know. Instead, listen to your more experienced peers, ask questions, and learn from them.

Top Quotes

3:00 – What is that mean little voice in your head saying? Is it keeping you from bringing creative ideas and solutions to your job? Practice controlling those thoughts. Acknowledge that ugly little voice and then shut it down.

5:00 – Reframe what you see and you’ll see something better.

6:50 – In the first five years of business, you’ll learn exponentially more than you know when you’re just starting out.

7:15 – Always listen with an open mind to what others say. It’s a really excellent way to get the information you need and earn their respect at the same time.



Work, Accomplishment, Commitment, Writing, Thought, Talk, Year, Subconscious Mind

Who is our ideal listener?

This podcast is for young professionals, so they can learn to play the emotional context sport of business and experience less drama and more success.

The ideal listener is anyone struggling on an emotional level in the workplace. Work Mom Says it helps you learn to be strategic at work. This means you can look at the big picture without getting lost in the weeds. How can you be more logical and less emotional? Be strategic, and Work Mom Says can help you.

“I tell people to back up, put down the magnifying glass, and look at the big picture when you’re responding to something,” said Lori Jo Vest, Work Mom. “In doing this, you will understand that what’s really upsetting you right now will be something you don’t even remember next week.”


What value can people get from listening to this podcast?

Listening to Work Mom Says can help you grow your mood management skills, grow your ability to reframe situations, and look at things from a strategic point of view. This makes it easier to go into a work situation and get the most positive results.

On Work Mom Says, we also offer tips and tricks for creating connected positive relationships that last over time. People will want you on the team if you can create connected positive relationships and work environments. You become an asset, and you will be more successful when you’re an asset.

“I also like to talk about developing traits like optimism, persistence, tenacity, stick-to-itiveness, sticking with things, and approaching every project with a curious mind instead of a fearful mind,” said Lori Jo Vest, Work Mom


Why do I do this? A few more words from Work Mom

I do this because I naturally fell into the Work Mom role when I worked in the ad agency business and had so much fun with it. I also realized I had made just about every mistake there was to make. I don’t hold myself as a stellar example of truth and how you should be. I hold myself out there as someone who has been bruised, battered, and beaten up and learned some important lessons. I’d love to share these lessons with young people, so they don’t have to make those same mistakes or be the idiot I was.

I also want to help young professionals realize that many things our culture prioritizes aren’t really important. We talk a lot about what should be important and how to present your best face at the office so that you can succeed.

I’ve learned so much throughout my career, and it’s gratifying to share that with young professionals and help them avoid some of those mistakes and get to that success sooner.

Episode 24 – “A Sneak Peek at My Upcoming Book” appeared first on Work Mom Says.